Full time opportunity, for self motivated person, to work in
various aspects of advertising / marketing in the Vision Express
Group, St Lucia.
40 hour week, 8am to 5pm.
Applicants must be totally dedicated to this job, personal freelance work for other companies is not a preferred situation.
Ability to fully conceptualize ideas, to market the company in a dynamic, professional manner is vital.
Excellent Graphics skills required
Billboards, fliers, social media, magazines, website graphics, videos and plus but not essential.
Uploading of photographic content to. product website required.
Good level of written English and spelling , or automatic use of
“Spell- check”!
Medical Tourism marketing for the VE Medical.Surgery facility is commencing this year.
Rapid Learning of products and surgeries etc will be required to market
Locally , regionally and internationally.
The head office of the Company is in the North of St Lucia., sorry the job is not feasible for applicants living in the South
Please send letter of application
CV with two job related references and contact details
Photograph would be useful but not vital
Up to three samples of work can be included.
Please look at our website to more fully understand the company
SEND TO visionexpressceo@gmail.com
Deadline: June 10th 2024